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I'm Calli and I'm glad you're here!  Allow me to introduce myself:


I've been writing for as long as I can remember and I started running not long after that. I was fortunate enough to do those two things while I attended Hillsdale College. I was a hurdler-turned-800-runner on our track team and the sports editor of our school newspaper, The Hillsdale College Collegian


I've had my blog, Lessons Along the Journey, since 2015 and in 2019 I started writing Semester Together, a 16-week devotional for girls. 


And in the craziness of 2020, I planted popcorn on our family farm, published Semester Together, and got engaged to Chance! 


Since then, I've graduated, started a new job as the Sportswriter for Blue Water Healthy Living, and got married! (Oh, and planted some more popcorn, of course.)


Welcome to my journey. I hope you leave encouraged and will come back to follow along. 




Did you know...

Between the ages 8 and 14, girls' confidence levels drop by 30%


Between their tween and teen years, their confidence that other people like them drops by 46%?


Three in four girls worry about failing, and more than half feel the need to be perfect? 


Between ages 12 and 14, the percentage of girls who say they're not allowed to fail increases by 150%?

**ypulse survey - Confidence Code for Girls


Girls are everywhere are living afraid and ashamed, and that worries me. A lot. Fear and shame are the two biggest strongholds in our lives. They stop us from living into who God created us to be and fulfilling the missions He gave uniquely to each one of us. 


I've worked with so many girls over the years and most of their problemspoor decisions, unhealthy relationships, big regrets, and a feeling of loneliness—all stem from this lack of confidence and purpose. That's why I wrote Semester Together. 


Semester Together


God has done too much for me to not share it with my younger sisters in Christ. He's been my confidence and hope for so long and I want others to know this same peace and purpose. That's what this book is for. In this devotional, I share personal stories and Scriptures that taught me more about myself and the God who made me. 


We'll talk about: 

  • what it means to have a relationship with Christ

  • God's great love for us & knowing His heart

  • handling social media, grades, fears, failures, and relationships 

  • our purpose and how God is calling us to live


Check out the Semester Together page for more info & to watch weekly videos.


one of my hobbies is making videos and doing fun projects, so sometimes I post about them here.

Welcome to the journey!

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© 2022 by Calli Newberry 

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